a word from the designers

“Balance” and “harmony” appear to be the best two words to describe the operation. Were these the guiding principles that inspired your work?

Exactly. Because a positive relationship has to be established between the new operation and the existing building. In order to be able to intervene correctly, one first needs to have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the urban situation, the architectural and spatial dimensions within which one will be operating. Prior to carrying out this work, we analysed the historical context, which enabled us to design with awareness. Although it is not historical or imitative in style, this project interprets the culture and history of the village of Bienno (through harmonious and proportional forms) and its essential characteristics (its functional simplicity), its productive nature (through the use of iron), and the physical place itself (by laying porphyry quarried from its mountains). The coherent and versatile restoration of function to the spaces was another factor of balance with the environment and the residents, who can now make extensive use of the new places for social activities.

In a project of this kind, how important is the dialogue between the designer, the public organisation and the government office? What is the role of the architect in similar design projects?

The architect establishes constant dialogue with the clients and the government office in order to create a project that meets the functional and practical requirements, but also respects the historic, cultural and environmental values. Within this dialogue, in addition to his technical role, the architect also fills the role of cultural mediator, increasing awareness amongst both clients and local residents/users.

The lodge is the only new build. Does it represent the new life of the urban complex?

It is the new presence in the square, and it aims to be a physical body that defines the public space, able to dialogue with the square (to which it acts as a backdrop), with the historical Palazzo opposite and with the urban paths that surround it. Its simple architecture enables its form to convey the concept of building and living.

The building site: what technical or logistical problems did you encounter when carrying out the work?

Managing such different forms, places, technical structures and people.

(Interview by Enrico Patti)